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Phrasal Quantifiers for Countable and Uncountable Nouns | - Grade 6 English Grammar

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English Grammar


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Phrasal Quantifiers: Introduction

- Phrasal quantifiers is a group of words that show amount or quantity (as a partial or out of a totality) of a noun.
- A quantifier is used before a noun.

Examples of Phrasal Quantifiers

  • Plenty of
  • A lot of
  • Majority of
  • A few of
  • Several
  • Some
  • Many

Quantifiers for Countable Nouns

1. I was brought many presents for my birthday
2. A number of boys have signed up for the drama club
3. My dad has travelled to several cities in the last one year.
4. Few issues were discussed during the class meeting.

Please Note:
Few / Very few means there is not enough of something
A few means there is not a lot of something, but there is enough.

Quantifiers for Uncountable Nouns

1. Monica was a bit tired after the race.
2. Allan is much talented.
3. I don't have much experience when it comes to riding a bicycle.
4. Wait a bit! Let me close the door.
5. He poured a little water into the glass.

Please Note:
Little / Very little means there is not enough of something
A little means there is not a lot of something, but there is enough.

Quantifiers for both Countable and Uncountable Nouns

1. We have enough time for the discussion
2. There is plenty of water for all animals
3. Kindly select any student from the group.
4. I met a lot of my classmates during the holiday.

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