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Relative and Indefinite Pronouns | Grade 6 English Grammar

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English Grammar


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Pronouns: Introduction

- Pronouns are words that take the place of noun(s) to avoid repetition.

Relative Pronouns

- A relative pronoun connects a phrase to a noun or another pronoun.
- Relative pronouns fundamentally refer to people, places, animals, things, or ideas.

Examples of relative pronouns

  • who
  • which
  • whose
  • whom
  • that
  • where

Examples of Relative Pronouns in a Sentence

1. He has a son who is a talented musician.
2. She wanted a storybook that had lots of pictures.
3. Mary patted the cat, whose companionship she liked.

Indefinite Pronouns

- Indefinite pronouns refer to something that is not specific.
- Indefinite pronouns generally refer to a person or a thing.

- They can be used to:
1. Refer to an unknown person: somebody
2. Refer to a general amount: Most, several, whatever
3. Refer to totality or absence: Everything, nothing, nobody, everybody

Examples of indefinite pronouns

  • Everywhere
  • Everybody
  • Nobody
  • Everyone
  • Anywhere
  • Anybody
  • Nowhere
  • Everything
  • Somebody

Examples of Indefinite Pronouns in a Sentence

1. The teacher asked why nobody would volunteer for the prefect position.
2. John asked where we has spent the lunch break
3. He likes the car. He will pat whatever they ask for it.

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