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GRADE 4 Learning Activities

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Mathematics Activities

Grade 4 Revision Questions

Attempt Grade 4 Math Revision Questions

Topic 1: Numbers - Place Value and Total Value

While place value shows position of a digit in a number, total value shows the quantity and value of digit in a number. Learn to use the place value and total value charts to determine both the place value and total value of digits. Practice to get the place value and total value using a set of practice questions.

Topic 2: Numbers: Rounding off to Nearest Ten

Learn how to round off numbers up to 1000 to the nearest ten. Read on the rules of rounding off numbers to the nearest ten and see examples and practice questions.

Topic 3: Algebra: Forming Algebraic Expressions

Learn how to form algebraic expressions using letters. Algebraic expressions helps represent an unknown number of objects. See examples of algebraic expressions and practice to form algebraic expressions.

Topic 4: Data Handling: Using Frequency Tables

Learn how represent data and read data in frequency tables. See examples of interpreting data frequency tables and learn how you can use frequency tables to answer questions.

Topic 5: Mass: Addition and Subtraction

Mass is the measure of how heavy an object is. Read on the conversion of mass between kilograms and grams and see practice examples of adding and subtracting mass in direct questions or statements.


English Activities

Topic 1: Use of Articles 'a', 'an' and 'the'

Read on articles 'a', 'an', and 'the'. Further, read and understand their common uses in relation to nouns and see examples in words and complete sentences. Use the Practice section to learn more on the articles and their uses.

Topic 2: Parts of speech - Adjectives

Adjectives are words that tell us more about nouns. Learn how adjectives are used to describe nouns by answering the questions of what, how, and which. Learn on the two main groups of adjectives; regular and irregular adjectives and see practice examples of each.

Topic 3: Parts of speech - Adverbs

Read on adverbs and learn how they are used for effective communication. Explore the adverbs of manner, time, place, frequency, and degree and see how they are used in words and complete sentences.

Topic 4: Use of Quantifiers

Quantifiers are used to show quantity by answering the question how much or how many. Read on how quantifiers are used with both countable and uncountable nouns and learn how they are used in sentences.

Topic 5: Pronouns

Read on the two main types of pronouns; personal pronouns and possessive pronouns. See examples of both personal and possessive pronouns and learn how they are used in sentences. Use the Practice section to understand how pronouns are used.


Science and Technology Activities

Topic 1: Living Things

Read on Living and non-living things in the environment, characteristics of plants and animals, and vertebrates and invertebrates and their examples. Explore the human digestive system and the functions of some of the major organs, including the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and the small and large intestines.

Topic 2: The Environment

Read on air pollution and water pollution and their effects on the environment, more so to living things, including plants and animals. Learn on ways through which air and water pollution can be reduced.

Topic 3: States of Matter

Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. There are three states of matter; liquids, gases and solids. Read on the characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases and their examples. Read on floating and sinking and learn the factors that affect floating and sinking.

Topic 4: Force and Its Effects

Force is defined as a push or a pull. Read on the effects of force on a object's movement and shape. Learn the basics of sound, heat and light energy. Further, read on levers and understand the different parts of a lever.

Topic 5: Earth and Space

On Weather and the Sky, read on clouds. There are four main types of clouds; cumulus. mi,bus, cirrus, and stratus. Read on the characteristics of each of the types of clouds and learn their differences.