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Adverbs of Time, Place, Manner, and Frequency | Grade 6 English Grammar

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English Grammar


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Adverb: Introduction

- An adverb is a word that talks more about a verb.
- There are four main types of adverbs. These are:
  1. Adverbs of Time
  2. Adverbs of Place
  3. Adverbs of Manner
  4. Adverbs of Frequency

1. Adverbs of Time

- Tell about the time of the action (verb).
- For example:
before, immediately, early, soon, now, earlier, first, then.

Examples of Adverbs of Time in a Sentence:

1. I have to leave immediately for the meeting
2. The discussion started earlier than planned

2. Adverbs of Place

- Tell about the place of the action (verb)
- For example:
here, near, everywhere, at home, inside, sideways, underneath, forward.

Examples of Adverbs of Place in a Sentence:

1. The children walked around the park during the school tour.
2. He stood near the school teacher during the parade.
3. Our bus driver parked underneath the tree during our lunch break.

3. Adverbs of Manner

- Adverbs of Manner explain how something was done.
- For example:
quickly, once, slowly, fast, carefully, correctly, repeatedly, lazily.

Examples of Adverbs of Manner in a Sentence:

1. Our teacher walked slowly to the back of the classroom
2. The bell rang repeatedly.
3. The students hurriedly entered the bus.

4. Adverbs of Frequency

- Explain how often an action is done or happens
- For example:
hourly, rarely, usually, regularly, annually, monthly, never.

Examples of Adverbs of Frequency in a Sentence:

1. Mary and Martha often play together after classes.
2. John rarely goes to the field after classes.
3. He usually takes his lunch in his office.

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