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Meristematic cells are specialized plant cells that possess certain characteristics that enable them to divide and contribute to growth and development in plants.
Characteristics of Meristematic Cells
1. Actively Cell Division
Meristematic cells are actively involved in cell division, primarily through mitosis. This allows them to continually produce new cells, contributing to the growth of plant tissues.
2. Thin cell walls
Meristematic cells have thin and flexible cell walls. These thin walls facilitate cell division and expansion.
3. Undifferentiated
Meristematic cells are undifferentiated, meaning they have not yet undergone specialization to perform specific functions. They serve as a source of cells that can differentiate into various types of mature cells.
4. Large and Dense Cytoplasm
Meristematic cells contain relatively large nuclei and abundant cytoplasm. This is necessary to support the high metabolic activity associated with rapid cell division.
5. No or Few Vacuoles
Vacuoles, which are common in fully differentiated plant cells, are often absent or minimal in meristematic cells. This is because vacuoles can occupy space that is needed for rapid division and growth.