Discuss eye accommodation.
Accommodation is the ability of the eye to focus both far and near objects
For accommodation of a distant object ciway Muscles relax; creating a tension on suspensory ligaments /suspensory ligaments contract; the lens become flattened otr less convex; minimizing the refractive power of lens; bringing light rays from afar object to focus on the retina
For a accommodation of a neat object aliany muscles contracts relaxing lesion on suspensory ligaments/sensory ligaments spherical in shape; this increase the refractive power of lens; that brings light rays from a near object to focus on the retina;
For accommodation of a distant object ciway Muscles relax; creating a tension on suspensory ligaments /suspensory ligaments contract; the lens become flattened otr less convex; minimizing the refractive power of lens; bringing light rays from afar object to focus on the retina
For a accommodation of a neat object aliany muscles contracts relaxing lesion on suspensory ligaments/sensory ligaments spherical in shape; this increase the refractive power of lens; that brings light rays from a near object to focus on the retina;