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Flowering and Non-flowering Plants and Types of Vertebrates

  Change Class Grade 5 Science and Technology
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Flowering and Non-flowering Plants

- Plants are living things.
- Plants can be grouped into different groups depending on common characteristics.
- This grouping is called classification.

Classifying plants into flowering and non-flowering plants

- Green plants are either flowering or non-flowering.
- Flowering plants are those that produce flowers during their growing time.
- Non-flowering plants do not produce flowers at all.
- Some flowering plants are useful while others are harmful.

A) Flowering Plants

- Some Examples of flowering plants include:
A Maize Plant
A Maize Plant
A Bean plant
A Bean Plant
A Mango Plant
A Mango Plant

Importance of flowering plants

1. For beautification during special occasions.
2. For sale.
3. For food.
4. Flowers develop into fruits.
5. Some flowers are used in making medicine.

B) Non-Flowering Plants

- Some examples of non-flowering plants include:
A Fern Plant
A Fern Plant
An Algae
A Pine Plant
A Pine Plant
Other non-flowering plants:
  • Cypress
  • Cider
  • Liverworts

Precautions when Handling Harmful Plants

The following are some of the precautions when handling harmful plants.
  1. Wear googles.
  2. Wear gloves.
  3. Wear apron.
  4. Using tongs.
  5. Washing hands.


- Fungi have some characteristics of living things. Some of these characteristics are:
  1. They grow.
  2. They reproduce.
  3. They die.
- Some fungi include:
Moulds on Bread
Molds on bread

Economic importance of Fungi

- Yeast is used in baking industry during preparation of bread and doughnut.
- Yeast helps in making the dough.
- Some mushrooms are grown for food.
- Some fungi are used in making medicine such as Penicillin.
- Some fungi help to improve soil fertility by helping in decomposition of dead living things.

Yeast is a fungi used in cooking mandazi and bread

Precautions when handling Fungi

- Bread with mold should be disposed.
- One should wear gloves when handling fungi.
- Avoid touching harmful fungi with bare hands.
- Wash your hands with soap and water after handling fungi.

Animals: Vertebrates

- Vertebrates are animals with a backbone.
- Invertebrates are animals without a backbone.
- Vertebrates are divided into five major groups.
  1. Mammals
  2. Fish
  3. Reptiles
  4. Amphibians
  5. Birds


Characteristics of mammals

1. They give birth to young ones.
2. They suckle their young ones.
3. Their bodies are covered with hair or fur.
4. They use lungs during gaseous exchange.
5. Their body temperature remains constant.

A Cow
An Elephant
Animals that have above characteristics include:
  1. Man
  2. Monkey
  3. Bat
  4. Dolphin
  5. Elephant


Characteristics of birds

  1. They have backbone.
  2. They breathe through lungs.
  3. They lay eggs.
  4. They have scales in their legs.
  5. Their bodies are covered with feathers.
  6. Their body temperature remain constant.
Some examples of birds include:
  1. Ostrich
  2. Dove
  3. Chicken
  4. Duck
  5. Flamingo


Characteristics of Reptiles

  1. They have backbone.
  2. They have scales.
  3. They lay eggs.
  4. They use lungs during gaseous exchange.
  5. Their body temperature changes with time.
Animals that have above characteristics include:
  1. Snake
  2. Lizard
  3. Frog
  4. Tortoise
  5. Chameleon


Characteristics of Amphibians

  1. They have backbone.
  2. They do not have scales.
  3. They lay eggs.
  4. They use lungs during gaseous exchange.
  5. Their body temperature changes with time.
  6. Some live on land while others in water.


Characteristics of Fish

  1. They have backbone.
  2. They have scales.
  3. They lay eggs.
  4. They breathe by gills.
  5. Their body temperature changes with time.

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Guest User
please check on spelling of 'gills' although it was ok. ^.^
Esoma-Ke Replied

Thank you for bring that error that to our attention. We have made the necessary corrections.