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Numbers: Rounding off numbers to the nearest ten | Grade 4 Math

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Numbers: Rounding off numbers to the nearest ten

Rounding off numbers to the nearest ten up to 1000

Important Notes

a. When rounding off a number to the nearest ten, you look at the digit in the place value of ones.
b. If this digit is 0, 1,2, 3, or 4, the digit in the place value of tens remain the same, while the digit in the ones place value becomes zero.
c. If the digit in the ones place value is 5,6,7, 8 or 9,add 1 to the digit in the place value of tens, and the digit in the place value of ones becomes zero.

Practice Question 1

Round off 34 to the nearest tens;


The digit in the ones place value is 4.
Therefore, the digit in the tens place value (3) remains the same and the one in the ones column changes to 0.
The answer is 30.

Practice Question 2

Round off 47 to the nearest tens;


The digit in the ones place value is 7.
Therefore, we add 1 to the digit in the tens place value and the digit in the ones place value becomes 0.
The answer is 50

Practice Question 3

Round off 396 to the nearest tens;


Rounding Off
The digit in the ones place value is 6.
Rounding Off
Therefore, we add 1 to the digit in the tens place value and the digit in the ones place value becomes 0.
Since the digit in tens column is 9, on adding the 1, we get 10, where we write 0 and carry 1 to the number in the hundreds column, which is 3.
The answer is 400

More rounding-off examples

Rounding Off

Practice Questions

Round-off the following numbers to the nearest ten.
  • 126
  • 215
  • 111
  • 982
  • 659

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