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Data Handling | Grade 4 Mathematics

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Data Handling

Representing Data using Frequency Tables

Activity 1

Count the number of spoons, plates, and cups in your home.
John, a Grade 4 pupil counted the following:
Data Handling
John counted:
12 cups
10 plates
14 spoons
This information can be represented as follows:

Data Handling
Count the number of 'lines'. Each '/' is counted as 1 as shown below
Data Handling

Practice 1

Grade 4 students did an exam and scored as shown in the table below:
Data Handling
Using the information above, how many marks did each student score?


  • Mary: 17
  • Stephen: 13
  • Michael: 18
  • Susan: 19
  • John: 15
  • Angela: 16

Interpreting Frequency Tables

Practice 2

The table below shows the number of men and women who went to the hospital in the month of May.
Data Handling
a) On which day were the number of men who went to the hospital the highest?
b) On which day were the number of women who went to the hospital the lowest?
c) How many men visited the hospital on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday?
d) How many women visited the hospital from Monday to Sunday?
e) How many people went to the hospital on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday?


a) On which day were the number of men who went to the hospital the highest?
Friday. 28 Men went to the hospital that day.

b) On which day were the number of women who went to the hospital the lowest?
Saturday. 12 women went to the hospital on Saturday.

c) How many men visited the hospital on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday?
Monday: 20
Tuesday: 26
Wednesday: 21
Hence; 20 + 26 + 21 = 67 men

d) How many women visited the hospital from Monday to Sunday?
Monday: 17
Tuesday: 19
Wednesday: 29
Thursday: 23
Friday: 20
Saturday: 12
Sunday: 19
Hence; 17 + 19 + 29 + 23 + 20 + 12 + 19 = 139 women

e) How many people went to the hospital on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday?
Friday: 28
Saturday: 22
Sunday: 14
Total = 28 + 22 + 14 = 64
Friday: 20
Saturday: 12
Sunday: 19
Total = 20 + 12 + 19 = 51
Total People: 64 + 51 = 115 Men and Women

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