Explain five functions of a retailer to a consumer.
- Breaks the bulk - selling small and convenient sizes/quantities to consumers.
- Offers/avails variety of goods/services hence consumer has a choice/improving standards of living.
- Offers advice on use/available goods/services.
- Gives credit facilities hence the consumer can acquire goods/services even when he/she does not have cash/can pay later.
- Extend after sale services e.g. transport, packaging, installation/repairs.
- Bringing/availing goods/services e.g. local shopkeeper.
- Stabilizing prices by ensuring steady supply of goods/services.
- Provide storage of goods on behalf of the consumer.
- Offers/avails variety of goods/services hence consumer has a choice/improving standards of living.
- Offers advice on use/available goods/services.
- Gives credit facilities hence the consumer can acquire goods/services even when he/she does not have cash/can pay later.
- Extend after sale services e.g. transport, packaging, installation/repairs.
- Bringing/availing goods/services e.g. local shopkeeper.
- Stabilizing prices by ensuring steady supply of goods/services.
- Provide storage of goods on behalf of the consumer.