Bring about | result to / Cause to happen |
Bring down | To destroy / Cause to be lower |
Bring up | raise a child/ Cause something to be considered |
Bring on | Involve / Include |
Bring out | Expose or Reveal |
Bring back | Restore to previous (former) state |
Put on | dress / pretend The thief put on a friendly face before talking to him |
Put down |
Insult, humiliate, criticise, embarrass Write down, make a note of ("Let us put down the minutes of this meeting", said the principal.) |
Put up with | Endure, tolerate, suffer through, or allow without complaining (He has put up with his behaviour for a long time now.) |
Put aside | Keep or save something for later (He always put aside his best tie for special occasions.) |
Put across | Explain for easy understanding (The motivational speaker put across very important points in the Sunday meeting.) |
Put together | Gather information (The police had put together strong evidence against the accused. |
Get away | To escape (The thief got away before the policemen arrived. |
Get away with | Go unpunished (Most politicians will get away with their crimes due to the weak evidence against them. |
Get back at | To revenge or retaliate ( He got back at him for stealing his lunch. |
Get on | Continue doing something ( She decided to get on with her chores after reading a book. |
Get down to | Embark / Begin ( They got down to the meeting after taking tea. |
Get into | Be involved ( As a student, it is advised not to get into school strikes. |
Get along | Agree ( As a student, it is advised not to get along with bad ideas. |
Get along with | Be in good terms ( Students should always get along with their teachers and parents. |
Go after | Follow (The police will always go after any criminal. ( The police went after the daylight robbers. |
Go away | Leave or depart (He went away after the quarrel. |
Go up | Ascend or rise (We will go up the hill after taking our lunch. |
Go about | begin or carry on with (an activity) ( You are going about this the wrong way. |
Go on with | Proceed / Continue ( They went on with the party till late in the night. |
Keep in | Imprison / detain |
Keep down | Defeat |
Keep up | Proceed with the same morale / energy ( The team kept up till the end despite the injured player. |
Keep on | Continue (Please keep on reading these notes. |
Keep off | avoid / stay away ( We are advised to keep away from drugs. |
Look up | Check information. (You canlook up words in the dictionary. |
Look forward to | Expect / anticipate ( I look forward to riding my new bike after school. |
Look up to | Admire (We should always look up to the good people in the society. |
Look for | Search ( We should always look for the good in others. |
Look after | Take care of ( Our parents always look after us. |
Look |
Make away with | Escape with ( The thief made away with out mobile phones. |
Make off | Walk away |
Make up for | Compensate for lost time ( We stayed after classes to make up for the exam done earlier. |
Make up | To be friends again (I often fight with my brother but we alwaysmake up soon after. |
Make out | See / spot often from a distance |
Make do with | Manage with the only available option (We have to make do with the candles as the lights are out. |
Make | |
Make |
Stand up for | Defend |
Stand off | Be at a state of no progress |
Stand in for | Represent (The teacher stood in for the principal at the assembly. |
Stand out | Unique / Conspicuous (The bride stood out during the wedding. |
Stand against | Prevent / Oppose ( We must stand against the evil forces that are threatening our country. |
Stand back | Withdraw from a situation emotionally (He stood back and assessed the situation . |