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Form 4 Mock Term 2 2024 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 35 [PDF]

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Question 1

a. Define the term environment?
b. List three sub branches of human geography.
  1. Environment is a set of external conditions that surround a living organism.
  2. - Economic geography
    - Demography/population geography
    - Agricultural geography
    - Historical geography
    - Medical geography
Question 2

  1. Apart from dot maps,name any other type of statistical map.
  2. Study the dot map below and use it to answer question 2(b).

    Calculate the population density of division C.
  1. Choropleth maps
Question 3

  1. Name two major varieties of wheat grown in Kenya.
  2. Give three reasons for using a combine harvester in wheat harvesting.
  1. - Triticale
    - Durum wheat
  2. - Reduces labor requirements
    - It reduces wastage
    - Wheat harvested is free from dirt/high quality
    - It saves time/it is fast
Question 4

a. Define the term urbanization.
b. State four factors that led to development of dispersed settlement.
  1. Urbanization is the growth and spread of towns and town life.
  2. - Availability of large tracts of land for settlement and cultivation.
    - Land tenure systems that allows large acreage holdings.
    - Availability of evenly distributed water resources.
    - Availability of security.
    - Presence of pests/diseases which discourage settlements.
    - Infertile soils which attract few people.
    - Mountains and forested areas which attract few settlements.
    - Harsh climate/extreme weathe/arid/semi-arid.
Question 5

  1. Identify two categories of energy sources.
  2. The sketch map bellows shows Hydro electric power stations along river Tana, Use it to answer b (i) and (ii).
    1. Name the river marked K
    2. Name the power station marked R and S
  1. - Renewable
    - Non renewable
    1. K - River Mathioya
    2. R Masinga
      S - Kindaruma
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- Form 4 Mock Term 2 2024 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 35 [PDF]