Question 1
a. Define the term environment?
b. List three sub branches of human geography.
- Environment is a set of external conditions that surround a living organism.
- - Economic geography
- Demography/population geography
- Agricultural geography
- Historical geography
- Medical geography
Question 2
- Apart from dot maps,name any other type of statistical map.
- Study the dot map below and use it to answer question 2(b).
Calculate the population density of division C.
- Choropleth maps
Question 3
- Name two major varieties of wheat grown in Kenya.
- Give three reasons for using a combine harvester in wheat harvesting.
- - Triticale
- Durum wheat - - Reduces labor requirements
- It reduces wastage
- Wheat harvested is free from dirt/high quality
- It saves time/it is fast
Question 4
a. Define the term urbanization.
b. State four factors that led to development of dispersed settlement.
- Urbanization is the growth and spread of towns and town life.
- - Availability of large tracts of land for settlement and cultivation.
- Land tenure systems that allows large acreage holdings.
- Availability of evenly distributed water resources.
- Availability of security.
- Presence of pests/diseases which discourage settlements.
- Infertile soils which attract few people.
- Mountains and forested areas which attract few settlements.
- Harsh climate/extreme weathe/arid/semi-arid.
Question 5
- Identify two categories of energy sources.
- The sketch map bellows shows Hydro electric power stations along river Tana, Use it to answer b (i) and (ii).
- Name the river marked K
- Name the power station marked R and S
- - Renewable
- Non renewable -
- K - River Mathioya
- R Masinga
S - Kindaruma