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Form 4 Term 2 2024 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 14 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. State three roles played by transport in the economy of Kenya
  2. Name two highways created in Africa to ease transport across the continent
  1. - Influencing the movement of raw materials/finished products
    - Makes movement of goods/services possible.
    - Create employment opportunities .
  2. - Great North road
    - Trans-African highway
Question 2

  1. Apart from wood name two other sources of renewable energy
  2. Give three disadvantages of Using wood fuel and source of energy
  1. - Solar/sun
    - Biomass
  2. - Leads to deforestation/desertification - Its dirty/soot
    - Produces less energy/low calorific value
Question 3

  1. Other than Ghana, name two countries in West Africa where cocoa is grown
  2. Physical conditions that favor the growth of cocoa in Ghana.
  1. - Nigeria
    - Cote-de-voire
  2. - High/ well distributed rainfall, -exceeding 1200mm p.a.
    - High temperatures- /between 240c-300c
    - High relative humidity- throughout the year
Question 4

  1. State three causes of mortality in East Africa
  2. Give two causes of rural-rural migration in Kenya
  1. - Low nutritional standards
    - Low hygiene standards
    - Prevalence of Natural calamities like floods
  2. - People move in search of employment
    - Insecurity in some rural areas
Question 5

  1. what is industrialization
  2. Give three efforts that have been made to decentralize industries in Kenya
  1. Industrialization is the process ad pace at which a country establishes enterprises that produce goods and services for consumption/sale
  2. - By providing part of capital for industries located in rural areas.
    - By providing cheap land for industrial sites.
    - By offering lower interest rates on bank loans to industrialists
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- Form 4 Term 2 2024 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 14 [PDF]