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Form 4 Term 2 2024 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 34 [PDF]

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Question 1

a. Explain the origin of the earth and the solar system according to the Nebula cloud theory.
b. Name two planets that do not have natural satellites.
  1. - There existed a big cloud (Nebula of hot gases and dust)
    - This cloud which was rotating at a very high speed flattened into a disk due to centrifugal force.
    - Very hot materials concentrated at the centre of the rotating cloud and led to the formation of the sun.
    - Some masses of gases and dust were thrown off as the cloud continued to rotate.
    - These materials cooled and condensed to form planets and other members of the solar system.
  2. - Mercury
    - Venus
Question 2

  1. Differentiate between physical and human environment.
  2. Give three sub branches of physical geography.
  1. Physical environment is made up of natural features while human environment is made up of features resulting from activities of people.
  2. - geomorphology
    - climatology
    - pedology
    - oceanography
    - bio-geography
Question 3

  1. Define earth movements
  2. State the boundaries associated with tectonic plates movements.
  1. Earth movement - These are the displacement of earth’s crustal rocks caused by tectonic forces
  2. - Extensional/divergence/constructive boundaries
    - Compressional/convergence/destructive
    - Transform/conservative
Question 4

Describe how an oasis is formed.
- A pre-existing depression is deepened by eddy action/ deflation.
- Gradually the depression is excavated through wind abrasions.
- The surface is lowered until it reaches the water bearing rock/ aquifer / water table.
- Water oozes out of the ground and collects in the depression to form an oasis.
Question 5

  1. Differentiate between secondary vegetation and planted vegetation.
  2. State three characteristics of Mediterranean vegetation.
  1. Secondary vegetation is the plants growing naturally in a place but has been interfered with by people while planted vegetation comprises plants which were grown in a place by people.
  2. - The vegetation is adopted to the long, hot and dry summers.
    - Some plants are evergreen.
    - Grasses dry up during summer and germinate during winter.
    - Shrubs, thickets, bush and thorn bush and maquis are common.
    - Woody scrub is common in very dry areas
    - Some plants have small, springy leaves while others have thick-skinned leathering leaves.
    - Some plants have deep roots.
    - Some plants have thick barks.
    - Some plants have large and fleshy bulbous roots.
    - Some plants have fleshy leaves while other have skinny waxy leaves.
    - Some trees are deciduous.
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- Form 4 Term 2 2024 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 34 [PDF]