Question 1
- What is practical Geography
- State three practical aspect we study in Geography
- Practical Geography - The study of practical skills which enhance the understanding and interpretation of geographical phenomena.
- Maps and map reading/Maps and mapwork
- Photograph work
- Time management
Question 2
- Apart from marine parks, give two other tourist attractions at the Kenyan coast
- State three reasons why national parks have been established in Kenya
- Sandy beaches/cliffs/caves/Indian ocean
- Coral reefs -
- To preserve Kenya’s natural beauty.
- To conserve wildlife/flora and fauna
- To attract tourists
Question 3
- Name two towns in Kenya where motor vehicle assembly plants are found
- State three ways in which Kenya has benefited from assembling of motor vehicles locally.
- Nairobi
- Thika -
- Creation of employment
- Earns Kenya foreign exchange
- Helps Kenya save on foreign exchange.
Question 4
- Identify two indigenous beef cattle breeds raised in Kenya
- Give three factors which favour beef farming in the Nyika plateau
- Boran
- Zebu -
- The presence of watering points/Lorian swamps/some permanent rivers to provide water for animals
- There are large tracts of land/sparsely populated areas with natural grass which provide food for animals.
- The local people keep livestock e.g their occupation provide the basis for beef farming.
Question 5
- Differentiate between exports and imports
- State three factors which influence external trade in Kenya
- Exports are goods that a country sells to other countries while imports are good that a country procures from other countries
- Government policy/services
- Differences/similarities in goods produced
- Availability of aids to trade