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Form 4 Term 2 2020 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 3 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Differential between the axis and orbit of the earth.
  2. Name three planets that have satellites.
  1. Axis – an imaginary line through the centre of the earth from North pole to South pole.
    Orbit – The path in space which the Earth follows as it revolve/orbit round the sun
  2. - Earth
    - Mars,
    - Jupiter
    - Saturn
    - Uranus
    - Neptune
Question 2

  1. Distinguish between orogenesis and orogeny.
  2. List down three examples of fold mountains of the Alpine orogeny.
  1. Orogeny is the period of mountain building while Orogenesis is the process of fold mountain Formation
  2. - Atlas mountains of Africa
    - The Alps mountain of Europe
    - The Himalayas mountain of Asia
    - The Rocky mountains of North America
    - The Andes mountains of South America
Question 3

Use the diagram below to answer Q (a)
  1. Name the part of soil sequence labeled a and d.
  2. State any three importance of soils to plants.
  1. a - leached(soil with) lateritic cap
    d - Thick (fertile) alluvial soil
  2. - Provides anchorage for the plants
    - Protects roots from damage
    - Soil is a medium through which air, water and nutrients are made available to plants.
    - Soil is the rooting zone of plants
    - Pore spaces in the soil for good drainage is important for plant growth.
    - Soil temperature affects the roots indirectly by influencing chemical and biological activities in the soil.
Question 4

  1. Define the term Karst scenery.
  2. In your answer booklet draw a well labeled diagram to show a limestone cave.
    On it mark and namespace
    1. Stalactite
    2. Stalagmite
    3. Underground river
  1. Karst scenery are the striking features found in limestone areas (where the action of water on limestone rocks dissolves the landscape)

Question 5

  1. Identify TWO factors that influence vegetation distribution.
  2. Name any two main types of natural vegetation zones found in Kenya.
  1. - Physiographic/topographical factors
    - Edaphic/pedological factors
    - Climatic factors
    - Biotic factors
  2. - Forest vegetation
    - Savanna grassland vegetation
    - Arid and semi-arid vegetation/scrub
    - Swamp vegetation
    - Heath and moorland vegetation
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- Form 4 Term 2 2020 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 3 [PDF]