Question 1
- State two ways in which minerals occur.
- Describe panning as a method of mining
- Minerals may occur in beds/layers and seams
- Minerals may occur as weathered/weathering products -
- The method involves digging out the alluvium (sand/gravel) which contains
mineral particles and mixed with water from the river bed in a shallow pan.
- The mixture is then whirled such that the lighter particles of sand/gravel are pushed on the sides of the pan while the heavier mineral particles are at the bottom of the pan.
- The mineral particles are then easily removed by hand/the wastes are poured out of the pan and the minerals remain in the pan where they are handpicked.
Question 2
- Apart from water, give two other renewable sources of energy which are utilised in Kenya
- State three advantages of using hydro-electric power over other forms of energy
1. Geothermal power/steam
2. Wind -
- It is non-exhastible/renewable
- It is clean to use/non-pollutant to the environment
- It is relatively cheap
Question 3
- What is air pollution?
- State three effects of air pollution in urban areas
- A pollution - This is the contamination of air with additional material in solid or gaseous from causing injury or harm to human health or property
- Gaseous from some factories contain substances which corrode roofs of houses
- Some gases from factories contain substances that dissolve in water to form acid air which is also causes corrosion
- Smoke/gases when inhaled cause diseases of the respiratory system
Question 4
- Give three reasons why road transport is commonly used in Kenya than railway transport
- State two benefits of containerization in transport industry.
- Road transport is more flexible than railway transport.
- Can reach more areas/destinations
- Road transport is f aster th an railway transport -
- Reduces theft of goods/pilferage/safety and security due to stealing.
- Utilization of space/a lot of goods can be carried by a dingle container/it is economical
Question 5
- Define the term animal sanctuary
- Name any three marine parks in Kenya
- Animal sanctuary - An area set aside to protectionof specific anuimals or birds that are threathened with extinction endangered.
- Kiunga
- Malindi
- Watamu