Question 1
- What is solstice
- Give the date when summer solstice occurs
- State three proofs to show that the earth is spherical.
- It is the time of the year when the sun is overhead the tropic of Cancer (23½0N) or tropic of Capricorn (23½0S).
- - 21st June
1. Circumnavigation – when traveling around the earth in one direction, the traveller will come back to the starting point from the opposite direction.
2. Satellite photographs taken from space show that the earth is spherical.
3. Sunrise and sunsets – places to east receive sunlight earlier than places to west;- if the earth was flat, all places will receive sunlight a the same time. Hence proof that the earth is spherical.
Question 2
- Name two factors that influence atmospheric pressure
- State three characteristics of inter-tropical convergence zone
- Temperature
- Altitude -
- It is associated with convectional rain and thunderstorms.
- It is characterized by high temperature.
Question 3
The diagram below represents some features formed in Karst landscape
- State the features labelled P, Q and R
- State two conditions for the formation of an artesian well / basin
P – Stalactite.
Q – Limestone Pillar
R – Stalagmite.
- Aquifer must be exposed to an area of sufficient rainfall.
- Aquifer must lie between two impermeable rocks to retain water.
Question 4
- State two characteristics of intrusive igneous rocks
- Name three methods used to estimate the age of rocks
– Most are dark in colour.
– The rocks cool slowly forming large crystals.
– Due to large crystal, rocks have a coarse texture. -
- Relative dating.
- Absolute dating.
- Radioactive carbon dating.
Question 5
- State three ways through which rivers transport its load
- Give two effects of earthquakes in built-up areas
- Collision between tectonic plates.
- Faulting / Cracking of rocks.
- Movement of magma within the crust / violent and volcanic eruption -
- Collapsing / cracking
- Loss of life (human / animal and plant).
- Disruption of transport and communication lines.