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Form 4 Term 2 2018 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 118 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Define the following terms
    (i) Settlement
    (ii) Urbanization
  2. State three effects of urbanization
  1. (i) Settlement – is a place with housing units where a group of people live together
    (ii) Urbanization – refers to the process in which a population is transformed from a rural-based agricultural lifestyle to an urban-based non-agricultural lifestyle
  2. - Urbanization encourages national unity as people of different ethnic backgrounds come together and interact.
    - It promotes links between countries as communication networks tend to focus on and are more developed in urban centres.
    - It creates employment opportunities through the establishment of commercial and industrial activities.
Question 2

  1. Apart from polders, name two other reclaimed areas in the Netherlands.
  2. Apart from irrigation, name three methods of land reclamation used in Kenya
  1. - Draining rivers and marshlands
    - Sandy and barren areas.
  2. - Draining swamps
    - Tsetsefly control
    - filling quarries
Question 3

  1. Distinguish between a game sanctuary and a national park
  2. Give three factors that favour establishment of natural parks in the semi-arid areas of East Africa
  1. Game sanctuary is an area set aside to protect specific plants and animals threatened with extinction while a national park is an area designated by the government in order to protect and conserve its special natural featuring
  2. - Small human settlement in semi-arid areas.
    - The vastness of the semi-arid areas.
    - To utilize the otherwise less useful semi-arid areas.
Question 4

  1. Distinguish between fish farming and fisheries
  2. State three characteristics of equatorial rain forest
  1. Fish farming is the breeding of fish in ponds while fisheries are water bodies that contain fish and other related resources (fishing grounds).
  2. - Narrow continental shelf / small surface area for fish breeding.
    - The water is relatively warm for the growth of plankton on which fish feed.
    - The coastline is fairly straight with few indentations hence less areas for building sea ports.
Question 5

  1. Name two forest reserves in Kenya
  2. State three characteristics of equatorial rain forest
  1. - Arabuko Sokoke.
    - Witu.
  2. - The forests have a variety of species.
    - The trees are huge and have buttress roots.
    - The trees are mostly hardwoods.
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- Form 4 Term 2 2018 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 118 [PDF]