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Form 4 Term 2 2017 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 124 [PDF]

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Question 1

State five ways in which the Kenya government assists dairy farmers
- Setting up demonstration centers to create awareness on livestock management.
- Improve transport
- Improve pasture
- Building watering points by constructing dams and sinking boreholes.
- Opening Ranches
Question 2

  1. What is polder
  2. State three benefits of the Zuyder Zee project in the Netherland
  1. - Polder is the land reclaimed from the sea
  2. - Increased the land for Agriculture
    - It has controlled the floods.
    - Has created land for settlement/urbanization
Question 3

  1. Identify the fishing method represented by the diagram below
  2. State three ways through which fish farming contributes to the economy of Kenya.
  1. Trawling
  2. - provide an alternative source of protein
    - it saves foreign exchange
    - Encourages development of infrastructure.
Question 4

  1. State three ways of promoting Eco-tourism in Kenya
  2. State two reasons why domestic tourism should be encouraged in Kenya
  1. - It is encouraged by staring economic benefits accrued from tourism with local community
    - Local community takes free ride in wildlife buses into and out of game parks thereby becoming custodians of wildlife.
    - By telescopic viewing animals and their habitats are not interfered with.
    - Advice tourists in tourist’s sites to following marked trails thereby not damaging environment.
  2. - To utilize facilities like hotels during low tourist season.
    - In order for Kenyans’ to learn more about their own country
    - To create employment opportunities
Question 5

  1. Define energy crisis
  2. State three advantages of using Hydro-Electric power
  1. Energy crisis is a situation whereby the demand for oils is higher than the amount that is being supplied leading to high oil prices.
  2. - It is non-exhaustible / renewable
    - Non pollutant/ clean to use
    - Relatively cheap
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- Form 4 Term 2 2017 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 124 [PDF]