Question 1
- Give the two main species of coffee grown in Brazil.
- State three physical conditions favouring growing of coffee in Central Kenya.
- i. Robusta
ii. Arabica - i. Temperature – the area experience ideal climate of cool to hot conditions
i.e 15o-30oC
ii. Rainfall is well distributed throughout the year about 1000-2000 mm
iii. Soils – the region has got fertile deep volcanic soils, well drained, acidic with a Ph of 5.3 to 6.0
iv. Topography – the region has undulating landscape with hill slopes and gentle slopes that ensures well drained and aerated soils.
v. Altitude – the region has high altitude between 610 m and 1830 m
Question 2
- Name three reasons why National parks have been established in Kenya.
- Give two tourist attractions found at the coast of Kenya other than marine parks.
- i. To preserve the natural beauty
ii. To conserve wildlife plants and animals
iii. To promote tourism/provide for recreation
iv. To provide an environment for education and research - i. Historical and prehistoric sites e.g. Fort Jesus in Mombasa, Gede ruins, Vasco Da Gama
pillar in Malindi
ii. Warm climate throughout the year
iii. Sandy beaches along Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, Malindi
iv. Culture
v. Water, sports e.g. surfing
Question 3
Use the map below to answer the questions that follow

- Name;
- The part marked P
- The lake marked L
- The river marked R
- State three contributions of the great lakes and St. Lawrence Sea Way to the growth of Industries in the region.
- P - Quebec
- L - Huron
- R - Hudson
- i. It has increased (internal and external ) trade
ii. It has facilitated the transportation of bulky products
iii. It has reduced the cost of transportation of bulky product
iv. The dams along the sea way provide HEP for Industrial use
Question 4
- Give two conditions that are necessary for the formation of petroleum
- List three ways in which open cast mining affects the environment
- i. Presence of sedimentary rocks’
ii. Presence of pressure to compress our organic remains.
iii. Presence of porous rocks - i. Causes water, air, noise pollution
ii. Leads to soil erosion
iii. Dumping of heaps of rock waste litters the surface
iv. Water collects in the open craters forming breeding ground for mosquitoes
v. Destruction of Biodiversity
Question 5
- Give two benefits that would result from rural electrification in Kenya.
- State two reasons for the decline of the use of coal as a major source of energy in the Ruhr Industrial region.
- i. It would encourage setting up of industries in the rural areas hence stimulating
delocalization of industries.
ii. It would be available for industrial use
iii. It would attract or improve amenities in rural areas reducing the need for people to move to urban centers
iv. More people would invest in rural areas which would lead to higher standards of living
v. It would encourage development of horticulture farming and to have ideal storage of perishable products through refrigeration.
vi. It would reduce excessive cutting down of trees as electricity would be available as an alternative source of energy for domestic use. - i. Coal produces a lot of smoke hence an environment pollutant
ii. Its cheaper to transport other sources of fuel to the main industrial sites than coal; which is more bulky
iii. Increased use of better/alternative sources of energy e.g. electricity, natural gas etc.
iv. The actual cost of extracting coal is rising since the mines keep deepening with time
v. Low calorific value compared to other sources of energy.