Question 1
- Name the main types of environment.
- State three ways a civil engineer benefits from the study of Geography.
- -Physical environment
- Social / human environments. - - During construction of roads, bridges, dams, an engineer needs to understand the nature /type of rocks in order to give a firm foundation
- Geography deals with relief, this knowledge will help a civil engineer when constructing roads.
Question 2
- List three main forces responsible for the a geoid shape of the earth
- State two ways geographers study the interior of the earth crust.
- - Centrifugal force
- Centripetal force
- Gravitational force - -Through mining
- Through examining igneous activities
- Through studying seismic waves Earthquakes
Question 3
- Give two reasons why sedimentary rocks are dominant along the coast of Kenya.
- State three main characteristics which determine the chemical composition of igneous rocks
- - Presence of fossils.
- Presence of deposits from rivers / ocean waters - - Proportion of silica.
- Proportion of basic oxides.
Question 4
- Define weathering.
- State three reasons why chemical weathering is prevalent in equatorial climate.
- Weathering is the mechanical breakdown or chemical decay of rocks insitu, as a result of their exposure at or near the earth's surface.
- - High rainfall facilitates chemical reactions
- High humidity facilitates rapid chemical weathering of rocks
Question 5
Use the table below to answer the questions that follow:
- Calculate:
- Temperature range
- Annual rainfall
- Describe the characteristics of the climate experienced in the above climatic region
- Temperature range = 240C - 220C = 20C
- Annual rainfall = 17,421mm
- - Rainfall occurs throughout the year.
- Rainfall has two maxima ie. November and April.
- Highest rainfall occurs just after the equinox.
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