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Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Exam Paper 2 Set 137 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Define the term “forestry”.
  2. Give three reasons why agro forestry is being encouraged in Kenya.
  1. - Forestry is a science of developing and managing forests
  2. - Provision of fuel
    - Provision of timber
    - Control of global warming
Question 2

  1. Name three modes of transport used in Kenya .
  2. Give two ways in which Cellphone contribute to Kenya’s economic development
  1. - Land transport
    - Air transport
    - Water transport
  2. - Transfer of money
    - Ordering of goods through messages
Question 3

  1. List down three ways in which the society benefits from urbanization
  2. In what ways are the functions of Nairobi and New York similar?
  1. - Easy provision of social facilities
    - Centres of civilization
    - Provision of markets
  2. - Serve as headquarters of world’s organizations.
    - Serve as industrial centres
    - Serve as educational centres
Question 4

  1. Define the term “mining”
  2. List three challenges Kenya faces in exploitation of her minerals
  1. - Extraction of mineral elements from the ground
  2. - Cost of exploration is high
    - Shortage of skilled manpower
    - Faulting of her geological base
Question 5

  1. State two advantages of using solar energy.
  2. Identify three non-renewable sources of energy used in Kenya.
  1. - It is renewable source of energy
    - Less pollutant
  2. - Natural gas
    - Petroleum oil
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- Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Exam Paper 2 Set 137 [PDF]