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Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 97 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Name two navigable rivers in Africa
  2. State three reasons why river transport is less developed in Africa
  1. - River Nile.
    - River Zambezi.
  2. - Most rivers are seasonal and therefore the water levels fluctuate making it difficult to sail.
    - Some of the rivers contain huge rocks/boulders/rock outcrops on their courses that reduce the navigable distance.
    - High siltation in the lower courses of some rivers makes their channels shallow to suffice river transportation
Question 2

The diagram below shows a method of fishing. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

  1. Identify the method of fishing shown in the diagram
  2. Describe how the method is used to catch fish
  1. - Trawling
  2. - It uses a trawl net that is pulled along by ships/trawlers along the sea bed, affecting all the fish along its path.
    - Once the net is full, it is hauled into the ship and the fish emptied on board
Question 3

  1. Name two areas where gold is mined in the Republic of South Africa
  2. State three contributions of gold mining to the economy of the Republic of South Africa
  1. - The Rand/Witwatersrand.
    - Ogendaalrus.
  2. - It earns Republic of South Africa foreign exchange through exports.
    - It’s a major source of employment thus helping raise the living standards.
    - It has led to widespread urbanization contributing to the formation of conurbation in the Rand.
Question 4

  1. State three factors that have promoted the establishment of national parks in Kenya
  2. Apart from establishment of game reserves and national parks, give two other methods of wildlife conservation in Kenya
  1. - Need to create an environment for education and research.
    - To promote tourism and recreation.
    - For wildlife conservation.
  2. - Tagging the endangered wild animals with radio signals to track/monitor their movements.
    - Imposing a ban on game hunting/game trophies/trade in wildlife products.
Question 5

  1. Define the term forestry
  2. Give four functions of forests
  1. - This is the science of developing and managing forest resources for benefit of human
  2. - Protection of water resources/river catchment areas.
    - Modification of climate through evapotranspiration leading to high humidity and low temperatures.
    - Forests act as wind breakers.
    - Preservation of wild and indigenous genetic resources.
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- Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 97 [PDF]