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Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 6 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. State three characteristics of sial.
  2. Outline two characteristics of the troposphere.
  1. - Sial is made up of light rocks/2.7g/cc / floats on sima.
    - Sial is made up of granitic/ sedimentary/ metamorphic rock
    - Contains 75% of the total gaseous mass of the atmosphere
    - 90% of water vapour found in this layer.
  2. - Most weather phenomena occur in this layer
    - Contains the weather making constituent/life supporting layer
    - Temperature decreases with increase in altitude (positive lapse rate)/ rate of 6.50C per 1000m.
Question 2

  1. What is a longitude?
  2. What is the longitude of station X when it is 8.00 a.m. where in Nairobi at longitude 370E is 12.00 noon?
  1. - This is the angular distance showing how far a place is west or east of the prime meridian
    - An imaginary line on the map/globe running from North pole to south pole showing how far a place is west or east of the prime meridian.

Question 3

  1. State three causes of earth movements.
  2. Name two main earthquake zones in the world.
  1. - Istatic adjustment.
    - Gravitative pressure
    - Magma movement within the crust.
    - Convectional currents in the mantle
  2. - The curcum pacific belt
    - The mid atlantic ridge
    - Rift valley
Question 4

  1. Name two features found on emerged high land coast.
  2. State three conditions necessary for the formation of a spit.
  1. - Raised cliffs
    - stumps
    - raised wave cut platform
  2. - The waves must carry large amount of load/ ample supply of sand being transported.
    - The long shore drift must be weak
    - It must be a shallow shore/continental shelf
    - Waves must have a strong swash and weak backwash/constructive waves.
Question 5

  1. The diagram below shows a barchan

    1. Name the feature marked P.
    2. Name the wind marked Q.
  2. How is a deflation hollow formed
    1. P - Gentle slope
    2. Q - Eddy current
  1. - Pre-existing depressions/localized fault is deepened by eddy action
    - Gradually the depression is excavated through removal of the unconsolidated materials by wind abrasion/by deflation
    - The depression is deepened then eddy currents develop causing more erosion
    - The depression is a deflation hollow.
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- Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 6 [PDF]