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Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 49 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. State three proofs that the earth is spherical.
  2. Name three effects of the earth’s rotation
  1. - Satellite photographs of the earth taken from space show it to be spherical.
    - During Lunar eclipse the shadow of the earth which is cast on the moon appears spherical.
    - Other planets are spherical, so it should also be.
    - When a person circum-navigates the earth in a straight line, he/she will come back to the same position.
  2. - Deflection of water currents and winds.
    - Causes day and night.
    - Causes 1hr difference in time between meridian 15° apart.
    - Causes the rising and falling of ocean tides.
Question 2

  1. What is an air mass.
  2. Give three benefits of humidity in the atmosphere
  1. - Massive air moving in a certain direction covering a massive area has same characteristics of both pressure and temperature
  2. - It regulates temperature in both lower and upper atmosphere.
    - It is responsible for cloud formation/precipitation.
    - It helps in development of storms/energy in the atmosphere.
Question 3

Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow:-

  1. What causes sea breeze
  2. State two effects of sea breeze
  1. - Differences in atmospheric pressure between the land and the sea, the land has a lower pressure.
    - Differences in temperature between the land and the sea, land is warmer
  2. - It lowers the high temperature on land (cooling effect).
    - It might lead to convectional rainfall.
Question 4

  1. What is faulting
  2. Give three ways through which a rift valley may be formed
  1. This is the fracturing and cracking of the earth’s crust along lines weaknesses on the crust.
  2. - Through tensional movement.
    - Through compressional movement.
    - Through crustal arching.
Question 5

  1. State two reasons why a river may deposit its load.
  2. Give three ways through which a river carries its load.
  1. - When its velocity drops.
    - When the load is in excess.
    - When its volume reduces.
  2. - In solution
    - Saltation
    - Traction
    - Suspension
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- Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 49 [PDF]