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Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 81 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Name two international airports in Kenya.
  2. Give three advantages of using mobile phones
  1. 1. Jomo Kenyatta International airport
    2. Moi International Airport
  2. - Mobile phones are portable
    - They are cheap
    - They are fast in communication
Question 2

  1. Apart from flooding name two climatic hazards that occur in Kenya
  2. State three measures used to control floods in Kenya
  1. 1. Drought
    2. Windstorm
  2. - Constructing ditches/channels/furrows to drain off the water.
    - Constructing dykes/leaves along the river banks.
    - Dredging/widening of rivers channels.
Question 3

  1. What is a cottage industry
  2. Give four reasons why the government of Kenya encourages the establishment of Jua Kali industries
  1. This is a small scale industry which uses local raw materials and requires little capital to start and operate
  2. - It requires little capital investment.
    - It decentralizes industries, reducing rural-urban migration.
    - Requires little skills.
    - Encourages innovations.
Question 4

  1. Name two exotic breeds of commercial beef cattle reared in Kenya
  2. Outline two similarities of commercial beef cattle in Kenya and Argentina
  1. - Aberdeen angus
    - Hereford
  2. - In both countries the cattle are mainly reared in areas of natural grazing/natural pasture.
    - In both countries gross breeding of beef cattle is common/scientific method of beef production
Question 5

  1. What is mixed farming
  2. State three physical conditions that favour cocoa growing in Ghana
  1. Mixed farming is the growing of crops and rearing of livestock on the same farm
  2. - Well distributed rainfall throughout the year.
    - Deep, well drained fertile soils/loamy soils/high clay/soil canic soils.
    - High relative humidity (70% - 80%)
    - Shades from strong rays for the seedlings
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- Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 81 [PDF]