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Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 8 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. State two climate conditions that favour the growing of oil palm in Nigeria
  2. State three similarities between Horticulture and market gardening
  1. - High temperature throughout the year (23oC – 30oC)
    - High rainfall that is evenly distributed throughout the year (1500 – 2100 mm).
    - High relative humidity of 80% - 90%.
  2. - there is intense cultivation of land in order to reap maximum produce.
    - both are labour-intensive.
    - both require well developed infrastructure
    - fruits and vegetables are grown in both cases.
Question 2

  1. State two problems associated with tourism in Kenya.
  2. State three reasons why National parks are established in the semi-arid areas of Kenya.
  1. -increase in crime of stealing and tricksters.
    -changes in social values – local people adopt foreign culture.
    -shortage of hotel accommodation especially during the peak season.
  2. -Availability of land-areas are sparsely populated
    - to open up the remote areas.
    - To generate an income for the people – to make them economically viable
Question 3

The pyramid below represents the population structure of country x. Use it to answer the questions that follow.
  1. List two social factors that influence agriculture in Kenya.
  2. List two functions of the Central Business District (CBD).
  1. - broad base – a high population of young people due to high birth rate.
    - narrow top – a low population of the elderly due to low life expectancy.
    - population at the middle ages low – due to high death rate.
  2. - Administration
    - Trading
    - commerce and banking
    - recreation.
Question 4

  1. Give two reasons why industries prefer locating where old ones exist.
  2. Describe three characteristics of cottage industries in India
  1. - Already established infrastructure
    - Presence of market
    - fear of the of building other industries elsewhere
  2. - Carried out by individuals/families/groups.
    - are rural based.
    -manual work/use of simple machines.
    - operate in small workshops or in houses.
Question 5

  1. State two reasons why motor cycles transport is widely used in Kenya.
  2. State three factors that have improved communication in Kenya.
  1. - motor cycles are cheap – many people can afford them.
    - give specialized service – to individual – no delay.
    - give door to door service.

  2. - Expansion of the telephone facilities.
    - liberalization of the press.
    - introduction of E-mail/Internet/Fax/Telefax.
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- Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 8 [PDF]