Question 1
- State three characteristics of sial.
- Outline two characteristics of the troposphere
- Forms the continental crust/upper crust
- Consists mainly of silica and aluminium
- Sial is made up of light rocks/2.7g/cc / floats on sima. -
- Most weather phenomena occur in this layer
- Contains the weather making constituent/life supporting layer
Question 2
- What is a longitude?
- What is the longitude of station X when it is 8.00 a.m. while in Nairobi at longitude 370E the time is 12.00 noon
- This is the angular distance showing how far a place is west or east of the prime meridian
Time difference = 12.00 – 8.00
= 4hrs = 4 x 15
= 600
Longitudinal difference = 60 - 37
= 130W
Question 3
- State three causes of earth movements
- Name two main earthquake zones in the world.
- Istatic adjustment.
- Gravitative pressure
- Magma movement within the crust. -
- The curcum pacific belt
- The mid atlantic ridge
Question 4
- Name two features that are found on emerged highland coasts
- State three conditions necessary for the formation of a spit
1. Raised cliffs,
2. Raised wave cut platform -
- The waves must carry large amount of load/ ample supply of sand being transported.
- The long shore drift must be weak
- It must be a shallow shore/continental shelf
Question 5
The diagram below shows a barchan
(i) the feature marked P.
(ii) the wind marked Q. - How is a deflation hollow formed?
P - Gentle slope
Q - Eddy current -
- Pre-existing depressions/localized fault is deepened by eddy action
- Gradually the depression is excavated through removal of the unconsolidated materials by wind abrasion/by deflation