Question 1
- State two differences between latitudes and longitudes
- Name three forces that contribute to the shape of the Earth.
- Centripetal
- Centrifugal
- Gravitational force.
Question 2
- Distinguish between folding and faulting
- Outline how the theory of plate tectonics explains the formation of Atlas Mountains
- Folding is a form of crustal distortion leading to the bending / wrinkling of crustal rocks while faulting is the fracturing / breaking of crustal rocks due to tectonic forces
- Two continental plates (Eurasian and African plates) consist of sial rocks of same density.
- They are pushed towards each other by compressional forces.
- This squeezes the sediments in Mediterranean geosynclines / forming the Atlas fold
Question 3
- State two characteristics of a bird’s foot delta
- Outline three ideal conditions for River capture to take place
- Resembles the foot of a bird.
- Has few distributaries (not more than 3)
- Projects / forms into the sea -
- The pirate river and the weak river must both flow adjacent to each other in the same direction divided by a common divide.
- The pirate river must erode headwards towards the weak river.
- The pirate river must flow at a lower level than the weak river.
Question 4
- Define Karst landscape.
- Draw a well labelled diagram showing an artesian well
- This is a rugged landscape of limestone or dolomite rocks which has been acted upon by carbonation and solution to produce typical of limestone surface
Question 5
Study the diagram below found in the desert and answer the questions that follow

- Name the parts A and B.
- State three factors that determine the permanence of lakes of Kenya
A : Eddy wind
B : Oasis -
- The depth of the hollow / depression
- The amount of water lost through evaporation, outflow and underground seepage.
- The amount of incoming water from rainfall, rivers, melt water and underground water.