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Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 7 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Name one area where each of the following minerals are mined in Tanzania:
    1. Gold
    2. Diamonds
  2. Give three processes which influence the occurrence of minerals.
  1. i. Gold - Geita/Mpanda
    ii. Diamonds - Mwadui
  2. - Vulcanicity
    - Metamorphism
    - Weathering
    - Erosion
Question 2

Use the map of Kenya below to answer question
    1. the national park marked P.
    2. the game sanctuary marked Q.
    3. the marine park marked R.
  1. Give three reasons why the government of Kenya encourages conservation of wild life.
    1. Amboseli National Park
    2. Lake Nakuru
    3. Kisite / mpunguti
  1. - To protect endangered animal/plant species/ regeneration
    - To promote tourism
    - To generate foreign exchange/revenue
    - To keep them for posterity/future generation
Question 3

  1. List two social factors that influence agriculture in Kenya.
  2. State three physical factors which favour beef farming in Argentina.
  1. - Tradition/diet/ culture
    - Land ownership and inheritance
    - Religion
    - Gender roles
  2. - Moderate rainfall/ 1000m ensure there is enough pasture
    - Moderate temperature/100C (winter)240C (summer) ensure continuous growth of grass throughout the year.
    - Availability of water supplied using wind pumps for cattle.
Question 4

  1. Apart from water, give two other renewable sources of energy which are utilised in Kenya.
  2. State three advantages of using hydro-electric power over other forms of energy.
  1. - Geothermal steam
    - Wind
    - Solar/sun
  2. - It is non-exhaustible/renewable.
    - It is clean to use/non-pollutant
    - It is relatively cheapbr> - It is easy to transport using wires
Question 5

Give four objectives for the formation of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).
  1. - To encourage member states to reduce duties charged on goods entering their countries from COMESA member states.
    - To promote trade among member states.
    - To acquire greater economic strength/higher bargaining power with other trading blocks of the world.
    - To establish a larger market for the goods produced in the region.
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- Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 7 [PDF]