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Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 47 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Define a forest.
  2. State four characteristics of planted forest
  1. It is a continuous growth of tree and undergrowths covering a large area/track of a land. Or Plantation of tree growing close together on large track of land.
  2. - Fast maturing hence more profitable to plant and exploit.
    - Normally it is in vows hence easy to maintain and exploit.
    - Grows uniformly since they are grown at the same time hence easy to exploit using cutting way method.
    - Trees of some species hence easy to exploit.
Question 2

  1. State three reasons why paper milling industries are located near rivers
  2. Name two industries in Kenya that use agricultural non-products as raw materials.
  1. - The industries need large amount of water for cleaning.
    - The industries use water for cooling machines.
    - The industries dispose off their waste material through water.
    - Water provide cheap means of transport.
  2. - Tobacco processing.
    - Pyrethrum processing.
    - Textile industry/plant fibre processing
Question 3

  1. State three factors that influenced the location of Perkerra Irrigation Scheme
  2. Name two rivers used for irrigation in Mwea Tebere Irrigation Scheme.
  1. - To utilize the excess water of river Perkerra which used to go to waste.
    - To control the seasonal floods of river Perkerra.
    - Presence of flat and gently sloping terrain which enables easy flow of by gravity
  2. - R. Nyamindi.
    - R. Thiba.
    - R. Murubara
Question 4

  1. What is a manufacturing industry
  2. State three main characteristics of cottage industries in Kenya
  1. The process in which an industry changes raw materials into other semi-processed or finished products
  2. - Use of locally available materials to make various products.
    - Involves using hands and simple tools to make products.
    - Acquisition of skills informally to make products.
    - Mainly found in urban centres and others in rural areas.
Question 5

  1. Apart from pollution, name two other environmental hazards experienced in Kenya.
  2. State three ways in which industrial pollution is health hazard
  1. - Floods.
    - Lighting
    - Windstorms
  2. - Some industries emit toxic gases such as sulphur dioxide which is harmful to people lives
    - Pollution leads to formation of acid rain which damage vegetation and aquatic organisms.
    - Heavy smoke from industries lead to formation of smog which is harmful to peoples health.
    - Industrial effluents promotes the rivers and lakes making the water unfit for use by man.
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- Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 47 [PDF]