Question 1
- State two disadvantages of plantation in agriculture
- Give three reasons why greenhouses are preferred in Agriculture
- It is capital intensive ,causing unemployment/require high capital
- Huge losses are experienced in the world market prices fall/in the event of a disease outbreak -
- The amount of rainfall /water and temperature is controlled for fast growth
- The confining of the crops control spread of pests/ diseases in the green house
- Crops are grown throughout the year since the growing conditions are regulated
Question 2
- Identify three raw materials that led to the growth of iron and steel industry in the Ruhr region of Germany
- Name two rivers that are source s of water in the Ruhr industrial zone
- Limestone
- Iron ore
- Coal -
- River Lippe
- River Ruhr
Question 3
- State two canals in Africa
- Give three problems experienced in navigating R.Lawrence before the construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway project
- Suez canal
- Jonglei canal -
- Presence of rapids e.g. Lachine
- Shallow depth of water /several islands near lake Ontario
- Waterfalls- Niagara falls
Question 4
- Name two types of ground photographs
- State three uses of photographs
- Close-ups
- Ground general views -
- Help in study of human and economic activities e.g. ütypes of settlement, farming etc
- They provide useful information on physical features, vegetation types and drainage system.
- Help to deduce the climate of an area
Question 5
- State two cultural factors that have led to large families in Africa.
- Give three problems created by the decline in population in Sweden
- Polygamy
- Sex preference -
- Reduction of population leads to shortage of manpower or labour in some profession
- A large population of old people compared to young people which lead to increased dependency ratio
- There is under utilization of already set up social facilities for young people