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Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 11 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Define the term Environment.
  2. Highlight two types of environment
  3. Briefly explain the relationship between Geography and chemistry
  1. The term environment refers to all external conditions surrounding an organism and which has influence over its behavior
  2. 1. Physical environment which includes physical conditions of weather , climate
    2. Human environment which includes human activities such as farming, tourism e.t.c
  3. - Chemistry includes the study of substances, their composition and behaviour.
    - Geography applies chemistry in studying the chemical composition of rocks and soils.
Question 2

  1. State two effects of the revolution of the earth.
  2. What is the longitudinal of a place X whose local time is 8.00an, when the local time at Greenwich meridian (0o) at noon?
  1. - Causes the four seasons, winter, autumn, spring and summer.
    - Causes varying length of day and night.
  2. (i) Differences in time
      12. 00 – 8.00 = 4hrs
    (ii) The earth rotate through 150 every one hour. in 4 hrs rotation is through
      15 x 4 = 600
    (iii) The time at x is behind that at green wich meridian , so x must be to the west of green wich by 600.
    X is therefore 60 0 w
Question 3

  1. Define the term mineral
  2. Distinguish between porous and pervious rocks
  3. List two factors that influence the development of a soil profile
  1. A mineral is inorganic substance which occurs naturally at or beneath the surface of the earth.
  2. Porous are spongy like rocks with pores and have a high capacity to hold water while pervious rocks are solid rocks which have cracks with a high rate of water passage.
  3. - Rate of evaporation
    - Human activities
Question 4

The diagram below illustrates river capture

  1. Name the features marked 1, 2 and 3.
  2. State two causes of river rejuvenation
  1. 1 – Elbow of capture
    2 – Wind gap / Dry valley
    3 – misfit river / Beheaded stream
  2. - Rate of evaporation
    - Human activities
Question 5

The diagram below shows the movement of the glacier
  1. Identify the moraines marked X, Y, and Z
  2. State two factors that influence the movement of glacier
  1. X – Terminal morain
    Y – Lateral morain
    Z – Middle / medial morain
  2. - Gradient of the slope
    - The thickness and weight of ice
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- Form 4 Term 2 2014 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 11 [PDF]