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Form 4 Term 2 2013 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 93 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Apart from tsetse fly control mention two other methods which are used to reclaim land in Kenya.
  2. State three control measures applied to eliminate tsetse flies in Kenya
  1. - Draining of swamps.
    - Irrigating dry lands
  2. - Bush clearing -It kills both the adult flies and pupae and destroy their breading grounds.
    - Insecticide application by spraying using low flying aircraft.
    - Sterilization by introducing sterility in the insect population.
Question 2

  1. Name two types of coal.
  2. State three factors that have contributed to the declining use of coal
  1. - Anthracite.
    - Bituminous / black coal.
  2. - Exhaustion of old mines.
    - Thermal plants built to use oil for generation of electricity cannot use coal unless they are replaced.
    - High production costs in extracting of coal.
Question 3

  1. State two advantages of using rail transport in Kenya
  2. Give three reasons why road transport is used more than air transport in East Africa
  1. - Competition from other forms of transport, roads or pipeline which are faster, flexible and cheaper.
    - High cost of rail network maintenance and expansion.
  2. - Its cheaper than air transport.
    - Its flexible.
    - Provides door to door services.
Question 4

  1. Define the following terms:-
     (i) Sanctuary.
     (ii) Game ranch.
  2. Name one sanctuary in Kenya.
  3. List down two factors that favour wildlife conservation
  1. (i) Sanctuary.
     - It is an area that has been set aside within a national park or game reserve where endangered species are confined for special care and treatment.
    (ii) Game ranch.
     - It is an area where wild animals are reared privately
  2. - Nakuru
  3. - Establishment of game reserves, national parks and game sanctuaries.
    - Ban on game hunting.
Question 5

  1. Name three functional zonal of a town.
  2. State two benefits of urbanization
  1. - Central business district.
    - Industrial zone.
    - Residential zone.
  2. - Encourages national unity as people of different nationalities or ethic groups come together.
    - Create employment opportunities through establishment of industrial and commercial activities..
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- Form 4 Term 2 2013 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 93 [PDF]