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Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 57 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. What is pastoral nomadism.
  2. List three problems faced by pastoralists in Kenya.
  1. Is the grazing of livestock on natural pasture involving constant or seasonal movement of people and their animals in search of water and pasture.
  2. – Harsh climatic conditions such as unreliable rainfall and high temperature resulting in water and pasture shortage.
    - Pest and diseases like tsetseflies and tropical diseases - foot and mouth diseases and tick borne diseases cause heavy losses to pastoralists.
    - Poor pasture/low quality pasture which is less nutritious and scarce during the dry seasons.
Question 2

  1. State two problems facing road transport in Kenya
  2. Give three advantages of road transport over rail transport.
  1. - Inadequate capital for road maintenance.
    - Massive corruptions by officers entrusted with the work
  2. - Convenience, this means there is no time schedule for road usage.
    - Speed – compared to railway roads offer faster transportation.
    - Cost – construction of roads are cheaper than railways.
Question 3

  1. Differentiate between Global warming and Greenhouse effect
  2. List three effects of Global warming in the physical environment
  1. – Global warming refers to the increased emission of solar radiation onto the earth surface resulting into high temperature while Green house effect is the emission of carbon IV Oxide which results in the destruction of the ozone layer.
  2. - It would lead to extensive melting of glaciers, resulting in rise in sea level.
    - Increased agricultural pests hence low yields to the farmers
    - Dry areas would become drier, leading to water shortages.
Question 4

  1. Differentiate between land reclamation and land rehabilitation..
  2. State any three benefits of land reclamation in Netherlands.
    Land reclamation refers to the practice by which unproductive land is converted into productive land for growing crops and keeping animals while land rehabilitation refers to the restoration of land that has been destroyed through human activities to its former condition.
  1. - Promotion of tourism industry hence bringing foreign exchange
    - Availability of fertile soil in polders
    - Increased agricultural raw materials leading to industrial development
Question 5

  1. Name two methods of mining that are used to extract diamond in South Africa
  2. Mention three uses of diamond
  1. – Underground method/deep shaft mining
    - Alluvial/placer mining
  2. – Cutting and polishing metals
    - Matching jewels
    - Matching drill bits
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- Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 57 [PDF]