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Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 55 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Define aquaculture
  2. State three significances of aquaculture in Kenya
  1. Refers to fish farming / fish rearing
  2. - Source of income
    - Employment opportunity
    - Earns foreign exchange
Question 2

  1. Differentiate between nomadic pastoralism and transhumance pastoralism
  2. Give four measures taken by the government to improve life of nomads in Kenya
  1. Nomadic are always on move in search of water and pasture while transhumance the movement is not continuous
  2. - Education
    - Providing market
    - Provision veterinary services
    - Construction of boreholes
Question 3

  1. Outline three factors that determine the type of irrigation to be used.
  2. State four physical conditions that favours the establishment of Mwea. Irrigation scheme.
  1. - Topography
    - Type of soil
    - Availability of capital
  2. - presence of river Tiba and Nyamindi
    - Unreliable and inadequate rainfall
    - Black cotton soil
    - Gentle sloping land enables water to reach farm by gravity
Question 4

  1. Define agroforestry
  2. Give three reasons why agro-forestry is encouraged in Kenya
    - Is a land use system where there is growing of trees and crops on the same piece of land at the same time.
  1. - To create employment
    - To protect soil from erosion
    - To maintain hydrological cycle
    - To create scenic beauty
Question 5

State four causes of desertification
- Deforestation
- Climatic change (prolonged drought)
- Poor methods of farming (overstocking)
- Accidental fires
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- Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 55 [PDF]