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Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 54 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Define natural population growth
  2. Give two reasons why there has been a reduction in fertility rate in Kenya’s population as shown by the last population census
  1. - This is the natural increase (positive growth) or decrease (negative growth) in the number of people in a given area
  2. - More girls are attending schools hence they don’t get married early.
    - Urbanization has led to people opting on small families due to cost of bringing up children.
Question 2

  1. Give two types of fish farms
  2. State three conditions necessary for the establishment of a fish pod
  1. - Subsistence farms
    - Commercial fish farms
  2. - Presence of clay or loamy soils which are impervious
    - Permanent rivers of water supply
    - Presence of inlets and outlets in the pod.
Question 3

  1. A part from soda ash list two minerals mined in Kenya.
  2. State three factors necessary for mining
  1. - Fluorspar (Kerio Valley)
    - Diatomite (Kariadusi)
  2. - Methods of mining
    - Value of minerals
    - Size of deposits
Question 4

  1. Mention two ways in which game parks and national parks differ.
  2. Give 3 reasons why wildlife conservation is encouraged in Kenya
    - National parks are set-up and controlled by central government while game reserves are set up by local authority.
    - National parks are restricted areas while in game reserves wildlife interact freely with local community e.g. wildlife and domestic animals.
  1. - To protect the endangered plant species/animals
    - To promote tourism/tourists
    - To generate foreign exchange/revenue
Question 5

  1. Name two wheat growing provinces in Canada
  2. Compare wheat farming in Kenya and Canada under the following subheadings
    (i) Marketing of wheat
    (ii) Transportation of wheat
  1. - Alberta
    - Saskatchewan
  2. (i) Marketing of wheat
     - All wheat produced in Kenya is consumed locally/sold in the local market while in Canada the bulk of wheat (63%) is exported (mainly to the European countries)
    (ii) Transportation of wheat
     - In Kenya wheat is transported through road/lorries and tractors are used while in Canada railways and waterways are used to transport wheat to the ports for export.
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- Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 54 [PDF]