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Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 40 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Name two places in South Africa were diamonds are mined
  2. State three uses of diamonds.
  1. - Kimberly
    - Pretoria
    - Jagers Foutein
  2. - For jewellery
    - For cutting instruments
    - For grinding metals
Question 2

  1. Define the term settlement.
  2. State three physical factors influencing the location of settlement
  1. A settlement is a place where a group of people live together.
  2. - Climate
    - Relief
    - Natural resources e.g. water
    - Fertile soils
Question 3

  1. What is eco-tourism
  2. Give three reasons why domestic tourism is being encouraged in Kenya
  1. It is an environment friendly tourism whereby a tourist enjoys watching what nature has provided while at the same time protecting what nature has provided.
  2. - To make use of tourist facilities during the low tourist season.
    - To make Kenyans know more about their country/appreciate their national heritage.
    - To facilitate interaction and cultural exchange among different -communities/enhance national unity.
    - To create employment.
Question 4

State five effects of industrialization in Kenya.
- Pollution
- Displacement of people
- Neglect of agriculture
- Industrial unrest
- Shortage of raw materials
Question 5

  1. State two ways in which the fishing industry has contributed to the economy of Kenya
  2. Give three reasons why the government encourages fish farming in Kenya
  1. - It’s a source of income
    - It is a source of employment
    - It is a tourist attraction through sports.
  2. - Ponds occupy a small space It is free from international conflicts.
    - Requires less capital
    - Involves simple techniques/implements.
    - Gives an opportunity for utilizing on productive areas
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- Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 40 [PDF]