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Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 33 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. What is fish farming
  2. Mention three measures taken by the government to encourage fish farming
  1. - This is the rearing of fish in ponds/Artificial waters.
  2. - Giving advice to fish farmers through field extension officers.
    - The fisheries department encourages more individual farmers to establish fishponds.
    - The fisheries department also assists farmers by offering technical aid and financial assistance.
    - Dissemination of information to communities in line with the government food policy.
Question 2

  1. State three main characteristics of minerals
  2. Mention two areas where diamond is mined in Tanzania.
  1. - Chemical composition
    - Hardness
    - Crystal shape
    - Specific gravity
  2. - Mwadui
    - Shinganga
Question 3

  1. Define the term International trade
  2. State three main objectives of COMESA
  1. - Type of trade carried out between a country and the rest of the world.
    - It involves exchange of goods and services on a global scale and may take place between two or more countries.
  2. - To create a condusive environment for both domestic and foreign investment.
    - To enhance peace, security and stability for economic growth.
    - To foster co-operation in all fields of economic activity.
Question 4

  1. State three social factors influencing Agriculture
  2. Define the term Rehabilitation
  1. - Religion
    - Land ownership/inheritance
    - Gender roles
  2. - It is the process of restoring land to its former productive state.
Question 5

  1. State three factors favouring forestry in Canada.
  2. List two measures which have been taken in Kenya to manage and conserve the environment.
  1. - Low temperature
    - Thin fertile soils
    - Adequate precipitation
    - Rivers provide source of H.E.P
  2. - Afforestation
    - Reafforestation
    - Planting of indigenous species
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- Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 33 [PDF]