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Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 37 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. State two characteristics of equinoxes
  2. State three effects of the revolution of the earth
  1. - High temperatures
    - High solar radiation
    - Equal day and night.
  2. - Changes the position of the mid-day sun at different times of the year.
    - Varying length s of days and nights.
    - Causes the four seasons.
Question 2

  1. Give two examples of lava plateaus in Kenya
  2. Describe how a crater is formed.
  1. - Yatta plateau
    - Uasin-Gishu plateau
    - Laikipia
  2. -Eruption of lava through a central vent leads to the formation of a cone.
    - Magma in the vent cools and contract.
    - The magma withdraws into the vent leaving a shallow depression on top of the vent. This is a crater.
Question 3

  1. Define epicenter.
  2. State three human factors that influence earthquakes
  1. - The point on the surface directly above the seismic focus where earthquake waves are felt first
  2. - Explosions from underground nuclear tests
    - Train and explosive s used in quarries
    -Construction of large dams.
Question 4

  1. State two ways in which springs are formed.
  2. The diagram below represents an artesian basin. Name the parts marked K.L.M
  1. - Latitudes of the oceans
    - Ocean currents
    - The depth of the ocean water.
    - Openness of the ocean.
  2. - X- Low tide
    - Y- High tide
Question 5

  1. State three factors that influence the temperature of ocean water
  2. The diagram below shows the occurrence of tides. Name the parts marked X and Y.
  1. -Is a mass of ice of limited width which moves outwards from a central area of ice accumulation under the influence of gravity.
  2. - Show fall occurs and show accumulates in pre –existing valleys and depressions on the earth surface.
    - Continued snow fall increases the weight of the snow , compressing it resulting in thawing of some of the underlying ice.
    - The melted water fills the existing air spaces before it re – freezes forming granular ice called the neve or firn..
    - With time the ice becomes too thick , hard and has a glassy look because all air has been requested out of it. This ice is called a glacier and it moves because the lower layers are plastic due to its weight.
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- Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 37 [PDF]