Question 1
- State two conditions necessary for formation of a fog
- Give 3 factors that determine the amount of solar radiation which reaches the surface of the earth.
– Clear sky./absence of clouds to permit the terrestrial radiation
- There must be sufficient moisture in the air -
– The position of the earth on its orbit
- The inclination or angle or the surface in which the sun rays fall
- The area and nature of the surface
Question 2
- Differentiate between the long profile of a river and cross profile of a river
- What are the 3 resultant features in the upper course of a river
- Long profile of river refers to the changing gradient of the river channel from source to mouth while cross profile refers to the river’s changing layout of the slope from one bank to the other on the opposite side.
- Narrow V-shaped valleys
- Gorges
- Interlocking spurs
Question 3
- Name any two types of seismic waves
- List down any three physical causes of earthquake
– Primary (p) waves
- Longitudinal (l) waves -
– Volcanicity
- Magma movement
- Isostazic movement
Question 4
- State 3 ways in which ice moves.
- What are the factors leading to glacial deposition in lowland
- - Plastic flowage
- Basal slip
- Internal shearing -
- Reduction in the slope is the land
- Weather changes
- Friction i.e. contact with the ground - Seasons
Question 5
- State factors that lead to the formation of ocean currents.
- Name two currents of the South Atlantic system
- Differences in ocean water density
- Difference in ocean water temperature -
- South equatorial current (warm)
- Brazilian current (warm)
- West wind drift (cold)
- Banguela current (cold)