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Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 92 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Identify three mountain building periods
  2. Give two examples of volcanic ejected rocks
  1. - charnian orogeny
    - harcynian orogeny
    - caledonian orogeny
  2. - pumice
    - tuff
Question 2

  1. Give two reasons why there is no vegetation on top of mount Kenya
  2. Give three characteristics of the vegetation found in the Nyika plateau
  1. - very low temperature which inhibits plant growth
    - thin soil which can not support growth
  2. - tufted grass
    - deciduous trees (some)
    - some tress are evergreen
Question 3

  1. (i) What do you call the rate of 0.6oc / 100m ascent at which temperature decreases with altitude in the lower atmosphere
    (ii) Give two reasons to justify the statement that ‘the higher we go the cooler it becomes’ in the atmosphere
  2. Explain two ways on how latitude determine the temperature of different places on the earth’s surface
  1. (i) the rate of 0.60c / 100m at which temperature decreases with altitude in the lower atmosphere is called environment lapse rate
    (ii) ‘the higher we go the cooler it becomes’ in the lower atmosphere much heating of the lower atmosphere takes place through long radiation from the ground
    Density of the components of the lower atmosphere such as dust particles and gases decreases with altitude immediately from ground surface
  2. - less area is heated on low latitude place than in high latitude places due to spherical shape off the earth
    - sun’s rays travels shorter distance before reaching places on low latitude places than high latitude places
Question 4

  1. Name the mode of formation of the following lakes
      (i) Lake Victoria
      (ii) Lake Nasser on R. Nile
      (iii) Lake Bosumtwi in Ghana
  2. Give two ways in which a lake may influence the climate of the surrounding area
  1. (i) Lake Victoria-downwarping
    (ii) Lake Nasser on river Nile - manmade
    (iii) Lake Bosumtwi in Ghana – falling of a meteorite to form a depre
  2. - evaporation from the lake can lead to convectional rainfall
    - evaporation from the lake can increase the relative humidity
Question 5

The diagram below shows the island surrounded by coral formations

  1. Name the feature marked X
  2. Explain the formation of feature X
  1. X – fringing reef
  2. - coral starts to grow from island or mainland seawards
    - growth faster seawards then shorewards due to cleaner water
    - eventually, the coral reef becomes higher seawards to enclose a shallow lagoon on the shore side
    - this coral ridge which is visible at low tide and parallel to the coast is a fringing reef
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- Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 92 [PDF]