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Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 2 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Name two horticultural crops grown in Kenya
  2. State three reasons why horticulture is more developed in the Netherlands than Kenya
  1. 1. Vegetables – tomatoes/onions/carrots
    2. Fruits – oranges, pineapples, plums, mangoes
  2. - Netherlands has a higher urban population than Kenya√/ there is high demand both local and foreign for horticultural crops products in Netherlands than in Kenya.
    - Farmers in Netherlands have more access to the capital needed for horticultural farming than in Kenya
    - Netherlands unlike Kenya has highly skilled labour for production and handling of agricultural products
Question 2

  1. Why are hardwood tree species in Kenya in danger of extinction
  2. State three differences between the softwood forest of Kenya and those of Canada
  1. - High demand for hardwoods√ which has led to overexploitation
    - Rate of harvesting of hardwood is higher than the rate at which they mature
  2. - In Kenya softwood is planted while in Canada they grow naturally
    - In Kenya softwood cover a relatively small area of the country while in Canada they are extensive
    - Most softwood in Kenya are exotic while in Canada they are indigenous
Question 3

  1. Distinguish between primary and secondary industries
  2. State three problems facing cottage industries in Kenya
  1. - Primary industries are the ones that exploit natural resources to provide raw materials. Secondary industries change the raw materials to intermediate products or finished products ready for use
  2. - Difficulties in obtaining raw materials at affordable prices
    - Competition from other industries making similar products
    - Difficulties in marketing the products
Question 4

  1. Differentiate the following terms
     (i) Fisheries
     (ii) Fishing
  2. State three factors favouring major fishing grounds of the world
  1. (i)Fisheries
     - It refers to an area or a place where fish are reared or caught in numbers
    (ii) Fishing
     - Is the act of catching fish and other aquatic animals
  2. - Cool climate
    - Availability of capital
    - Advanced technology
Question 5

  1. State three problems of slow population growth in a country
  2. If the total population of the town is 187,283, the children are 102,352 and the old People are 25,162. What is the dependency ratio of that population
  1. - Small number of people leading to under utilization of facilities
    - Small labour force forcing the country to import labour force which is very expensive
    - Reduced market which makes the country to export most of her goods if it’s industrialized and they may face stiff competion; thereby earning little income

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- Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 2 [PDF]