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Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 10 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Define land dereliction.
  2. Give two reasons why land dereliction occurs
  3. Give two effects of land dereliction
  1. This is a situation where land has been abandoned and left as wasteland after a mineral has been exhausted.
  2. - Lack of government policy/regulations to enforce land rehabilitation.
    - Mining companies not willing to spend money where there is no financial gain
  3. - Ugliness of the land
    - Land losses productivity
    - Destruction of property where land subsides/sinks
Question 2

  1. List two types of major fish communities
  2. Give two methods used in commercial fishing
  3. Name three measures taken to conserve and manage fishery resources.
  1. - Pelagic fish
    - Anadromous fish
    - Demersal fish
  2. - Trawling
    - Perse-seining
    - Drifting
  3. - Establishment of fish hatcheries
    - Prevent water pollution
    - Ban fishing for some period within the year
Question 3

  1. Differentiate between National Park and Game Reserves.
  2. Give two importances of wildlife to the economy of a country.
  3. Name two negative effects of tourism.
  1. National park – A national park is set up and controlled by the central government. They are established by an act of parliament or through a legal notice by the minister concerned.
    Game reserve – A National Game Reserve is set up and managed by a local authority where it is located and the local communities interact freely with the wildlife
  2. - Form the basis of tourism industry.
    - Forms catchment area for rivers.
    - Provides fuel, timber etc.
  3. - Spread of diseases e.g. HIV/Aids
    - Acquisition of foreign culture and erosion of customs.
    - Destruction of cash crops by wild animals.
Question 4

  1. Name two types of dairy cattle in Denmark.
  2. Give two characteristics of dairy farming in Denmark.
  1. - Fresian
    - Ayrshire
    - Guernsey
  2. - Cattle kept indoors in winter and autumn.
    - Cattle are fed on fodder.
    - Dairy farming spread all over the country.
Question 5

  1. What is urbanization.
  2. Give two problems facing urban traders in Kenya
  1. - It is a process in which a large number of people tend to concentrate in a region thus creating and expanding an urban centre
  2. - Inadequate security.
    - Inadequate transport facilities
    - Inadequate water supply
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- Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 10 [PDF]