Question 1
- Define the term equinox.
i) When does equinox occur.
ii) What are the effects of solstice on the earth’s surface.
- Equinox is the time of the year when eth sun’s overhead position at noon is over the equator
i) - 21st March
- 23rd September
ii) - During summer solstice, day time is longer than night time at latitudes beyond the equator.
- During winter solstice, night-time is longer than daytime at latitudes beyond the equator
Question 2
The diagram below represents a composite volcano. Name the features marked D, E, and F.
- State three ways through which Mount Kenya has influenced the drainage of the area
D – Crater
E – Conelet
F – Layers of ash -
- Rivers flowing from higher peaks of Mountain form a radial drainage pattern.
- At lower slopes each river system forms a dendritic pattern.
- Mountain is a catchment area and source of rivers.
- Towards the top the mountain has glacial Lakes.
Question 3
i) Differentiate between weathering and mass wasting.
ii) Explain three factors which cause soil creep.
i) Weathering is disintegration and decomposition of rocks in situ while mass wasting is downslope movement of weathered material under influence of gravity.
ii) - Alternate heating and cooling.
- Removal of soil downslope.
- Rain water.
Question 4
Give three conditions which may influence the occurrence of landslides
- Amount of precipitation and extent of saturation.
- Gradient of the slope.
- Human activities e.g. mining.
- Occurrence of earthquakes and faulting.
- Gradient of the slope.
- Human activities e.g. mining.
- Occurrence of earthquakes and faulting.
Question 5
- Explain three ways in which clouds influence weather
- State one effect of a warm ocean current on the adjacent coastlands.
- Clouds determine the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth, surface and amount leaving the earth surface.
- Day temperatures are moderated by clouds.
- Areas of thick rain clouds have high rainfall. -
- Raising temperature
- Causes rainfall