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Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 20 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Name three types of tides.
  2. Differentiate between oceans and seas
  1. - Spring tides
    - Neap tides
    - Perigian tides
  2. An ocean is a large extensive body of saline water occupying a basin between continents whereas a sea is a large body of saline water on the margins of continents.
Question 2

  1. What is river rejuvenation.
  2. State three negative influence of rivers on the human environment
  1. River rejuvenation is the renewal of the erosive activity of a river
  2. - Water from rivers is a medium of spreading water borne diseases.
    - Form barriers between communities making communication difficult.
    - When rivers floods a lot of properties and human lives are lost.
Question 3

  1. The feature below shows an extrusive land form in a volcanic area. Name the parts labeled a, b, c.
  2. Differentiate between hot springs and geysers.
  1. A – crater
    B – plug
    C – Strato volvano
  2. Hot springs are places where hot water or steam is emitted from the ground whereas geysers are jets of hot water or steam and gases, which are ejected or explosively from fissures in the ground in the ground.
Question 4

  1. State two human causes of Earthquakes.
  2. Give two types of surface waves caused by Earthquakes
  3. List two scales used in measuring the intensity and magnitude of Earthquakes
  1. - Underground nuclear tests.
    - Movement of trains
  2. - Love waves
    - Rayleigh waves
  3. - Intensity
    – Mercali scale
    - Magnitude
    – Ritcher scale.
Question 5

  1. Give two main zones of the atmosphere.
  2. What is:
    1. Zero lapse rate.
    2. Negative lapse rate.
    1. Troposphere
    2. Stratosphere
    1. Zero lapse rate is a situation where there is no change in temperature with increase in height or altitude.
    2. Negative lapse rate is a situation in the atmosphere where there is increase in temperature with increase in altitude.
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- Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 20 [PDF]