Question 1
- Difference between local time and standard time
- How does circumnavigation prove that the earth is spherical.
- Local time : is the specific time based on the longitude of a place. The time difference from the on longitude of a place . The time differenced from one longitude to another is 4 minutes while standard time is a common time shared by a region within 150 of longitude or time calculated using time zones. Therefore the world is divided into 24 time zones based on this
- Encourages pollution i.e air and The term circumnavigation refers to act of going round the earth along a straight path
- If you began going around the earth following same direction you will come back to where you began from the opposite direction . This therefore shows that the earth is spherical.
Question 2
- Name two plains found in Kenya
- State three ways in which plains are
- Kano plains in Kisumu
- Coastal plains in lower Tana and Sabaki
- Yatta plains -
- Through folding: If the compressional forces are weak the landscape may be turned into gently sloping anticlines and wide synclines
- Through volcanic eruptions when less viscous lava flows and solidifies on the earth surface forming a plateau.
- Due to deposition of rulers in their old stage forming a flood plain.
- Due to wave deposition on the coast.
Question 3
- Define the term river capture.
The diagram below shows a river
Name the features marked X, Y, Z.
- Is the diversion of the headwaters of one river into the system of an adjacent more powerful river due to erosion
X – Elbow of capture
Y – Pirate / powerful river
Z – Windgap / dry river valley
Question 4
- List features resulting from extrusive volcanic activity
- State three ways in which volcanicity has influenced human activities in Kenya
- Volcanoes
- Basaltic / shield volcano
- Acid lava cones -
- Volcanic mountains have conducive climatic conditions for agriculture on their slopes.
- Volcanic activities results into beautiful scenic landscapes which are tourist attractions.
- Hot springs and geysers are used to harness geothermal power.
- It results to formation of minerals resulting to mining.
Question 5
- What is a glacier
- Describe how a glacier is formed
- - Is a mass of ice of limited width which moves outwards from a central area of ice accumulation under the influence of gravity.
- Show fall occurs and show accumulates in pre-existing valleys and depressions on the earth surface.
- Continued snow fall increases the weight of the snow , compressing it resulting in thawing of some of the underlying ice.
- The melted water fills the existing air spaces before it re-freezes forming granular ice called the neve or firn..
- With time the ice becomes too thick , hard and has a glassy look because all air has been requested out of it. This ice is called a glacier and it moves because the lower layers are plastic due to its weight.