Question 1
- Differentiate between an emerged coast and a submerged coast.
- Name three wave deposited features found along the Kenyan coastline.
- An emerged coast is a coastline whose continental shelf has been exposed to fall in sea level while a submerged coast is the one drowned due to a rise in sea level.
1. Beaches
2. Spits
3. Bars
4. Mudflats
Question 2
- Name two causes of floods
- State three ways of controlling floods
- Increase in precipitation at the source region.
- Change in base level which could be due to a fall in sea level. -
- Building dykes.
- Construction of levees like
- Afforestation.
Question 3
- Give two physical causes of earthquakes.
- State three negative effects of earthquakes.
- - Tectonic movement
- Vulcanicity
- Isostatic adjustment -
- Leads to loss of lives and property.
- They tend to trigger fires hence fires occur after an earthquake.
- Shaking of earth’s crust triggers landslides.
- Causes permanent displacement of the landslide.
Question 4
- Differentiate between leaching and percolation.
(i) Name two soil types of the intrazonal classification.
(ii) What is soil degeneration?
Lraching - is the movement of minerals from one layer to a lower one in solution.
Percolation - is the seepage of water from the surface to the lower layer i.e. underground. -
(i) 1. Hydromorphic soils
2. Halmorphic soils
(ii) Soil degeneration is the loss of soil fertility also referred to as deterioration.
Question 5
- Give two features of fluvial glacial depositions
- State three effects of glacial deposition features
- Kames
- Eskers
- Boulders -
- They may interfere with river courses.
- They may cover rich agricultural lands.
- They may interfere with the transport network.