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Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 55 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. State three characteristics of Nomadic pastoralism
  2. Give two ways in which the Government of Kenya have assisted Nomadic pastoralist
  1. - Cattle are kept as a sign of wealth
    - There is uncontrolled breeding
    - There is seasonal movement of people
    - The animals are grazed communally.
    - Large herd of cattle are kept
    - There are frequent animal raids
    - Disease incidences are common
    - Many kinds of animals are grazed e.g. Cattle, goats, cows.
    - The animals are poor, weakened by diseases.
    - There is lack of organized land tenure
  2. - Provision of water: sinking of boreholes and construction of dams.
    - Control of diseases and pest by veterinary or extension officers
    - Establishment of the antistock theft unit.
    - Encouraging the nomads to form group ranches to improve livestock qualities
    - Dips have been constructed and spraying of animals encouraged
    - Animal research center have been established to combat animal pest and diseases
    - Improvements of markets through the Kenya meat commission.
    - Construction of roads to improve accessibility
    - Introduction of drought resistant crops
    - Introduction of improved animal breeds, through artificial insemination/cross breeding.
    - Introduction of improved pastures or planting of fodder crops
Question 2

  1. Distinguish between Forestry and Agro forestry
  2. Identify three characteristics of Agro forestry
  1. Forestry - is the scientific practice of planting, cultivating/developing and management of forestry/trees farming while agroforestry is planting of tree together with crops and the keeping of livestock on the same piece of land.
  2. - plants and crops are planted together
    - trees act as wind breakers
    - trees provide shade to crops and soil.
    - the farmers get income from trees and crops
    - manure from farm animals is utilized by both crops and trees.
    - the trees provide fuel to the farmers/timber for building
Question 3

  1. Apart from drought, identify any two other types of natural hazards in Kenya
  2. State three problems associated with drought.
  1. - Flood
    - Windstorm
    - Pest and disease
    - Earthquakes
    - Lightening
    - Volcanic Eruption
    - Landslide
    - Soil erosion
  2. - Death of animals and people
    - Famine resulting to food/pasture shortage
    - Migration of people to potential areas
    - Drying up of rivers which affects agriculture/HEP production.
    - Leads to spread of desert-like conditions to agriculture potential area/desertification
Question 4

  1. Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable source of energy.
  2. Give three disadvantages of HYDRO Electric power (HEP) as a source of energy.
  1. Renewable source of energy are source that are able to be regenerated and used over a long period of time while non renewable sources are those that get exhausted after a certain period of extraction
  2. - HEP cannot be stored after it has been generated
    - HEP is expensive to transmit
    - Building of power plant is expensive
    - Power supply fluctuates with fluctuating water
Question 5

  1. Give two reason why primary industries are located close to raw materials.
  2. State three characteristics of cottage industries in India.
  1. - Some raw materials are bulky to transport
    - Some raw materials are perishable
  2. - Capital invested is small
    - Simple tools are used
    - Locally available raw materials are used
    - The industry is owned by family
    - Its labour intensive
    - Industries are found everywhere (ubiquitous)
    - Labour is provided by family member
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- Form 4 Term 2 2010 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 55 [PDF]